2,860 research outputs found

    Aplicación móvil para la difusión de información institucional en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid : (Plataforma Android)

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    La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios a los miembros de su comunidad. Multitud de trabajadores y alumnos utilizan a diario aplicaciones y servicios online que la universidad pone a su disposición. Por otra parte, existe una nueva tecnología emergente que es la de los teléfonos móviles inteligentes, más conocidos como smartphones. Estos teléfonos incluyen software que los hace ser capaces de adaptarse tanto al usuario del dispositivo como a las situaciones diarias que afronta el mismo. Se podría extraer un beneficio claro de la unión de estos dos conceptos. Si se pudiese proporcionar acceso a los servicios de la universidad desde un dispositivo móvil, se podría facilitar el uso de dichos servicios y se fomentaría el uso de otros muchos. Con este proyecto, se soluciona el problema de requerir un ordenador para poder acceder a estos servicios. Para llevarlo a cabo, se decide crear una aplicación para la plataforma Android que permita a los usuarios de un dispositivo Android utilizar las aplicaciones online de la universidad. El resultado es una aplicación Android que amalgama e informa al usuario de los servicios que hay disponibles a través de un dispositivo móvil. Permite consultar las noticias de la universidad, buscar a una persona en el directorio, ver las titulaciones que oferta la universidad, obtener indicaciones para llegar a cada campus, ver los vídeos del repositorio multimedia de la universidad y enterarse de qué servicios hay disponibles para la plataforma Android.The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid offers to their community a wide range of services. Plenty of their personel and students make daily use of their online applications. On the other hand, there is a new emergent technology known as smartphones. These intelligent mobile phones are equipped with a kind of software which allows them to adapt to their users and to their user’s daily situations. We could obtain a great benefit from the union of these two concepts by providing the users with an easier way of accessing the university services from a smartphone. This would also enhance the use of some others. With this project, the problem of requiring a computer to access the online services is solved. To achieve this, an Android applicaction will be developed to allow users to access the university’s online services from an Android device. The result is an Android application which joins and notifies the user about which services are available through a smartphone. It allows to check the latest university news, look for a person on the university’s directory, know about the courses which students can enroll in, get indications to go to each campus, watch the videos from the media repository or check which services are available through the mobile application.Ingeniería Informátic

    Estudio de la hidrodinámica de reactores de lecho ebullente para el hidrotratamiento de crudos pesados

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    Una alternativa para entender el escalamiento de la hidrodinámica de los reactores de lecho ebullente es empleando conceptos del análisis dimensional y la similitud dinámica, y en particular los fundamentos del Teorema Pi de Buckingham. La aplicación de estos conceptos a un conjunto de variables que inciden directamente en el comportamiento hidrodinámico de los sistemas de lecho ebullente (Ul, Ug, μl, σ, dp, ρl, ρs y gΔρ), da como resultado cinco grupos adimensionales, los cuales deben coincidir para asegurar la similitud dinámica entre dos unidades experimentales que difieren en su geometría y condiciones de operación. En el presente trabajo de tesis se han llevado a cabo experimentos para simular las condiciones de operación y de flujo de sistemas de lecho ebullente operados a condiciones severas (prototipos), mediante sistemas fluidizados de tres fases operados a condiciones atmosféricas (modelos), con la ayuda de la teoría del análisis dimensional y la similitud dinámica. De la simulación llevada a cabo, en los modelos se obtuvieron algunos parámetros hidrodinámicos tales como la porosidad del lecho, retención de fases y flux de arrastre del gas, estos parámetros obtenidos fueron comparados con sus correspondientes en los sistemas operados a alta presión y alta temperatura, lo que permitió con la ayuda de un análisis de dispersión de datos, cuantificar como una primera aproximación el grado de similitud hidrodinámica obtenido de tal simulación. Aunque se realizaron esfuerzos por hacer coincidir los cinco grupos adimensionales para las dos unidades experimentales separadas, la simulación hidrodinámica para la porosidad del lecho y la retención de sólidos fue altamente satisfactoria, sin embargo, la simulación hidrodinámica para la retención de gas y de líquido, y consecuentemente el flux de arrastre del gas presentó un bajo nivel de similitud, esto reflejado por los valores obtenidos del análisis de dispersión de datos para estos parámetros hidrodinámicos. En particular estas diferencias se atribuyen al complejo comportamiento de “espumado” de las mezclas gas–líquido en los sistemas operados a presión atmosférica, mientras se sugiere que se necesitan grupos adimensionales adicionales para caracterizar totalmente el comportamiento de la hidrodinámica de los sistemas de lecho ebullente operados a condiciones severas, así como de la caracterización de los fenómenos de coalescencia y espumado de los sistemas gas-líquido empleados en los sistemas de lecho ebullente

    Forest Ecosystem Services: An Analysis of Worldwide Research

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    The relevance of forests to sustain human well-being and the serious threats they face have led to a notable increase of research works on forest ecosystem services during the last few years. This paper analyses the worldwide research dynamics on forest ecosystem services in the period from 1998 to 2017. A bibliometric analysis of 4284 articles was conducted. The results showed that the number of published research articles has especially increased during the last five years. In total, 68.63% of the articles were published in this period. This research line experiences a growing trend superior to the general publishing trend on forest research. In spite of this increase, its relative significance within the forest research is still limited. The most productive subject areas corresponded to Environmental Science, Agricultural and Biological Sciences and Social Sciences Economic topics are understudied. The scientific production is published in a wide range of journals. The three first publishing countries are United States, China and the United Kingdom. The most productive authors are attached to diverse research centres and their contributions are relatively recent. A high level of international cooperation has been observed between countries, institutions and authors. The findings of this study are useful for researchers since they give them an overview of the worldwide research trends on forest ecosystem services

    Modelling particle transport and deposition in the human healthy and stented tracheobronchial airways

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    The main goal of this study is the quantification of the particle transport and deposition within the human airways during light, normal and exercise breathing conditions using the computational fluid dynamics. In particular we presented a comparison between healthy and stented airways. The considered tracheobronchial model is based on the Weibel symmetric model in which we have inserted the Dumon prosthesis at different locations and on the CT- based geometries of a healthy and a stented airway. The results indicate an important redistribution of the particle deposition locations. Local overdoses can be found in the proximal regions of the prostheses, independently of the breathing conditions, of the particle size and of the considered geometry. The presented work is aimed to contribute to the understanding of the particle deposition in the human lung and to improve drug-aerosol therapies. For patients that underwent airways reconstructive surgery, it can give detailed information about the deposition efficiency and it may help targeting specific airways regions.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Competitiveness through the research Project DPI2017-83259-R (AEI/FEDER,UE)

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma of tongue: Histological risk assessment. A pilot study

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    Background: More than 90% of malignant tumors diagnosed in the oral cavity are Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas (OSCC) whose preferred location is the tongue. Classically, this disease has affected men preferentially, although recent studies suggest that trends are changing and the proportion of women with OSCC is increasing. In addition, the prevalence of oral cancer is also determined by some risk factors as alcohol consumption and tobacco. Currently, the Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM) classification is employed to defined tumor stage and based on this guide specific treatments are established. However, 5-year-survival does not exceed 50% of cases. The objective of this study is to determine whether a histological risk pattern indicative of higher recurrence might be present in T1-T2 tumors located in the anterior two thirds of the tongue. Material and Methods: Samples from 26 patients with OSCC were analyzed and histological risk pattern of recurrent and non-recurrent tumors were compared. We have analyzed histological variables described in Anneroth and Brandwein-Gensler classifications. Additionally, we have also examined both clinical variables such as age, sex or comorbidities, as well as habits such as tobacco or alcohol consumption. Results: We found that sex (male) and keratinization degree (high or moderate) are directly related with OSCC recurrence. In fact, free illness time is lower in men and higher in those cases with minimal or no keratinization. Conclusions: Based on the variables analyzed, it has not been possible to establish a histological risk pattern that, complementary to the TNM classification, could have a predictive role in these early-stage tongue carcinoma

    Saltation transport on a silt loam soil in northeast Spain

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    16 Pags., 4 Tabls., 4 Figs. The definitive version is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-145XThe Ebro River valley in Northeast Spain experiences regularly strong west-northwest winds that are locally known as cierzo. When the cierzo blows, wind erosion may potentially occur on unprotected agricultural lands. In this paper the first results of field measurements of soil characteristics and saltation transport in the Ebro River valley near Zaragoza are presented. An experiment was conducted on a silt loam soil in the summers of 1996 and 1997. Two plots of 135×180 m were both equipped with a meteorology tower, three saltiphones (acoustic sediment sensors) and ten sediment catchers. The plots were different with respect to tillage practices. One plot received mouldboard ploughing followed by a pass of a compacting roller (conventional tillage—CT), whereas the other plot only received chisel ploughing (reduced tillage—RT). Soil characterizations indicated that soil erodibility was significantly higher in the CT plots than in the RT plots. Consequently, no significant saltation transport was observed in the RT plots during both seasons. In the CT plot, four saltation events were recorded during the 1996 season and nine events during the 1997 season. Most events were preceded by rainfall during the previous one or two days, which reduced saltation transport significantly. It is concluded that the occurrence of wind erosion in the Ebro River valley depends on the timing and type of tillage, distribution of rainfall and soil-surface crusting.The WELSONS project is funded by the European Union under Contract No. ENV4‐CT95‐0182. Peer reviewe

    A review of economic consequences and costs of male violence against women

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    This article focuses on male violence against women. As it takes place in what is often considered to be ‘the private sphere’ of the home, violence is difficult to prove, to measure, to prevent and easy to ignore. A multi-country study (WHO, 2005, WHO multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence against women: Summary report of initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women’s responses, Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization) shows that there are wide variations between countries resulting in 15 per cent to 71 per cent of women aged between 15 and 49 years saying that they have been victims of physical or sexual violence in intimate relationships. This article reviews and summarises literature that analyse types of economic costs that result from domestic violence and abuse perpetrated against women

    Máquina clasificadora de frutas y hortalizas portátil

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    Número de publicación: ES2318987 A1 (01.05.2009) También publicado como: ES2318987 B1 (05.02.2010) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.)P200602228 (03.08.2006)La presente invención se refiere a una máquina clasificadora de reducidas dimensiones, movible y fácil de transportar, que realiza la clasificación en función del peso, calibre y color, para su utilización en la clasificación de pequeños volúmenes de productos. La máquina se caracteriza por tener una estructura circular que gira en torno a un eje vertical, desplazando unas cazoletas sobre las que se reciben los productos a clasificar. Estas cazoletas presentan diferentes posiciones a lo largo de la trayectoria circular que describen, condicionadas por una guía perimetral sobre la que se apoyan y por los criterios de clasificación establecidos. Los productos a clasificar entran en la máquina objeto de la invención, mediante un sistema de alimentación colocado tangencialmente al aro clasificador, y son derivados por la salida correspondiente, al activarse el actuador que cierra las ranuras practicadas en el anillo guía.Universidad de Almería. Cadia Ingeniería S.L. Cámara de Comerci